Audrey Fabrikant
massages bien–être et coaching intuitif

Thanks for being here
My name is Audrey.
I am an intuitive life coach and a certified bodywork practitioner.
I guide highly sensitive souls on a radical self-love and self-acceptance journey. I help them connect to their intuition, explore their unique gifts and create a life deeply aligned with who they are, in which they can shine and bloom.
My holistic approach enables me to work on the physical, emotional and mental spheres. As each sphere influences the other, I provide you with different tools such as massages, coaching, hypnosis and sophrology, allowing me to design a customized programme that is tailored to your desires, needs and goals. My aim is for you to move away from duality and towards a more united and connected body:mind:heart, so you can align your thoughts, emotions and actions, and, find balance and harmony within yourself.
L’hypnose permet de revisiter la réalité et la façon dont la personne la perçoit et ainsi de déconditionner les vieux schémas inscrits dans l’inconscient. Elle constitue un outil puissant de transformation intérieure et d’affirmation de soi.
Inspirée de la méditation et du yoga, la sophrologie est une méthode psychocorporelle et une véritable philosophie de vie. Elle permet d’instaurer le calme à l’intérieur de soi et de retrouver la sérénité au quotidien.
massage bien-être
Accordez vous une pause, un moment rien qu’à vous, dans un lieu apaisant, un petit cocon, une bulle de bien-être qui vous invite au lâcher-prise.
coaching intuitif
J’accompagne les personnes hypersensibles qui ont envie d’aller à la rencontre d’elles-même, d’explorer leurs dons et de créer une vie qui leur ressemble, les inspire et les fasse vibrer.
Let’s talk about it !
I use my sensitivity and my intuition to connect to you, with gentleness and compassion. As a heart-centered coach, I am able to hold a safe space for you to open up and share your story, without fear of judgment, so you can learn to love yourself unconditionally and embrace both light and darkness.
When you reconnect to your inner guide, you allow yourself to feel, dream and create a vibrant life, aligned with your true self.
Relationships and Attachment Trauma
What if falling in love was only our childhood attachment trauma being reactivated? Passionate love, lust, and love at first sight as amazing as it sounds can sometimes be a sign of trauma bonding. When we are so obsessed with someone that we can’t focus on anything...
High Sensation Seeking and Escapism
High sensation seeking is the tendency to pursue new and different sensations, feelings and experiences. The trait describes people who chase novel, complex and intense sensations, who love experience for its own sake, and who may take risks to pursue experiences. The...
Love Addiction – the chemistry behind love and passion
Neuroscience has been more and more interested in the chemistry behind the feeling of love in an attempt to understand why we fall in love. Why would someone jump on a plane to go and see a stranger on the other side of the planet? Sudden change of plans, hasty...
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